Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Carson's Crew 2012!

Here are the details of Carson's Crew 2012! We are increasing the milage.... a 1/2 Marathon! 13.1 miles. Please let us know if you are interested in joining the run! Happy training's!

Dear Friends & Family,

We are writing this letter to share with you a commitment each of us has made. On April 21, 2012, Carson’s Crew will be joining approximately 1200 other runners and walkers in completing the OZ ½ Marathon in Olathe, Kansas. The purpose of this letter is to invite you to join us at this race and of course, the after party!

There are a variety of reasons people commit to the months of training. It could be the exercise, losing a few pounds, getting in shape, or the camaraderie of doing this with family and friends. Whatever the individual motivations for the months of commitment, as a group, we have decided to raise money for the Menkes Foundation. The foundation was formed to advocate awareness of children afflicted with Menkes disease and encourages prenatal genetic testing for neurological related diseases.

In the beginning of the letter, we invited all of you to join us on this marathon. We realize that some of you may not want to participate in the race but you can join us by helping us reach our goal, which is to raise $5000. We plan to raise this amount by having a raffle drawing. The raffle tickets will be sold 1 for $5 or 5 for $20. 1st place will receive one week’s accommodations in Tahoe, 2nd place will receive a 2 night stay at Kiawah Island Golf Resort and 3rd place will receive a Flip Camera. To purchase raffle tickets use paypal on www.carsonbowman.blogspot.com or send a check made out to the Menkes Foundation and sent to Sarah Bowman, 15821 W 150th Terrace, Olathe, KS 60062. The drawing will take place on April 21st at noon at Jeff and Sarah’s house. Join us for the race after-party. You do not need to be present to win. The Menkes Foundation is exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)3 as a non-profit educational organization. All of Carson’s Crew Participants will receive a Carson’s Crew running t-shirt to wear during the race. Extra shirts will be available for $8 during the event weekend. Each runner is responsible for registering for the race themselves at http://www.olathe.org/cvb/sports/Marathon/information_registatration.html.

We thank you in advance for your generosity and for joining us in this marathon to raise funding for the Menkes Foundation on Carson’s behalf.

Thank you and good luck with your training.

Carson’s Crew

Many Blessings

We have so many blessings to count this year! Happy Birthday Jesus. God blessed us with another year with Carson and to be able to spend Christmas with him and our new addition, Cameryn, was amazing! So many joyful moments. Cameryn is a bundle on the move and you can tell Carson loves being an older brother!
We were also blessed to be able to spend this holiday with ALL of our families. Kari from SC, Becky and Marcos from FL, Jen, Jules, John from MO, the Olathe and the Iowa clan! Loved every minute we spent will all of them! Thanks so much for traveling here to see us!
I have finally joined the facebook world, please find me if you like, Sarah Latshaw Bowman.
We hope all of you had such an amazing Christmas as us! Please look for our New Years cards this year (Christmas cards didn't make it).

Love- Sarah, Jeff, Carson and Cameryn

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Hello- We are looking forward to the holidays! Can't wait to celebrate with our new/bigger family. So many more firsts are to come. Here is a quick update...

Cameryn's first tooth popped threw yesterday! She loves pushing the kitchen chairs around...who needs a walker when there are chairs around. Carson continues to have his ups and downs. He is currently having 2-3 rough days a week. His digestive tract moves very slowly on these days and Carson can not tolerate any fluid intake, even getting all his meds in can be a challenge. Today is a good day, he is taking a nice nap right now.

God Bless everyone and for everyday we get to spend together!