Aunt Becky updating...
Carson had a good weekend just hanging out and playing. The Bowman's had some family pictures done over the weekend and they turned out pretty cute. A few of Carson sleeping in the cutest poses and others of all three together...so cute! A very beautiful family in deed!
They are looking foward to company coming from Iowa this weekend...Gpa and Gma Bowman, Aunts, Uncles and Cousins. Carson is in for quite a fun filled weekend with lots of hugs, kisses, and love.
Carson is just growing like a weed...I hadn't seen him for about a week and he seems to have grown so much. His hands look bigger and he is getting longer by the minute! He has some new "big boy" pajamas and he just looks too cute! We will have to get some pictures of him in those and post them soon.
Hope everyone has a great week! Safe travels to all those coming in town. Thanks for all the prayers....WE BELIEVE!
Aunt Becky
Hi Carson and All! HOpe you have a great weekend and keep up giving out all the hugs and kisses. We are counting the days when we can see you and get you in the lake. Love to all Sue and Mark
Hi sweet boy! Hope you are having a great day. I am so very proud of you and love you very very much! Keep up all the hard work.
Lots of love,
Aunt Becky
Also...Carson your blog surpassed being viewed over 3000 times this week! That is just amazing to me...you are so loved, thought about all the time, prayed for every minute of the day, little man!
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