Here are some first pictures of Cameryn. More to come of Carson and Cameryn.
She arrived on Wed, March 16 at 12:47 pm. She was 7 lbs 6.5 ozs and 19 in long. With the exception of her hair, Cameryn looks just like Carson did! Mom and Baby are doing well and the boys are also adjusting well. Carson loves being a big brother.
Congratulations Carson on becoming a Big Brother!! What fun you will have with your new lil sister...tell mommy and daddy Congratulations!!
Jeff, Carolyn, Trevor and Brielle Myers
Congrats- she if beautiful, can't wait to see her.
Awwww! Congratulations. She does look like him :) I am glad to hear that everyone is doing well. Hugs all around!
Miss Kim
Congratulations! Would love to stop by and see you guys sometime soon! Hope everyone is doing well. I miss Carson!
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