This is Mom updating. We have had some good times and some not so good times. Carson is always getting loved by someone. (I think sometimes, he just wants to say enough, get away. He is such a good sport.) We have really been giving Carson a lot of textures to feel and play with lately. We got some real fur samples (Alaskan Fur donated them, THANK YOU!!) I do not have a picture of it yet, but he really likes how soft they are. I have also bought him fishing worms, they are bright green! Miss Kim, Carson's vision teacher, was playing with him with the worms and Carson would not let go! He was playing tug of war with was hilarious. I will work on getting pictures of these this week.
Last friday, Carson had an asthma attack, we got his breathing under control with an extra breathing treatment and a few hours of oxygen. He spent the rest of the night coughing up flemn every 5 minutes. Carson has also been having more seizures. They have been waking him up at night, making him cry as he can feel them come on. We have also been seeing grande mal seizures, his limbs shake and he holds his breath threw them. Talking with the Dr today, we have decided to increase his Keppra.
The Dr said that Carson's Keppra levels are low compared to how much he is taking. He is wondering if Carson's body is just not absorbing it or if we need to increase his doses. So we are going to try the later. We are very hopeful that this will work so we do not have to add a 5th seizure med.
Carson is still growing like a weed!!! He is so close to 29 pounds. He grew 8.5 ounces in just 2 weeks! We are looking forward to him growing taller in the next month! He is currently in 2T clothes and we are looking at 3T clothes this late fall and winter. He is also in size 5 diapers...what a big boy!!!
Thanks for the update. We will be praying harder for Carson's seizures to go away or lessen...tell Carson we love him to pieces and he is the bravest little boy in the world! Love the pictures of Carson and his buddy Henry...two peas in a pod. So stinking cute! He is quite the keeper of Carson...great that Carson has such a good friend. The pictures of Carson holding his head up are wonderful too! We are so proud!!! Such a big boy...almost 2 years old....cannot believe it!
We love you all so very much and miss you too! We are always praying and sending our love. WE BELIEVE!!!
Aunt Becky and Uncle Marcos
More great photos. Hopefully the dose change will be the answer to curbing the seizures as I know yet another med. is not what you want.
I love that he has such a great pal in Henry. The friendship they share will be something they will cherish forever.
I have a DVD for you. It is short, but very fun. Let me know when a good time to get it to you would be.
Enjoy the rest of the summer, it's flying by way to fast.
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