Here are some long awaited school pictures. Today is his 4th day at school but 1st day to ride the bus. We also went to Iowa this last weekend for a visit and a wedding...great pics with the bride and some new four generation pictures.

Bye Bye Momma and Daddy Loves you!

That is Carson in the 3rd window.

Oh Boy, what is this thing?

Fun ride up with David.

Here we go to the bus.

Waiting for the bus.

Mom and me on my 2nd day at school.

My Para, Angie at school.

What a big school!

Dad and me on my first day of school.

My teacher Joanna.

On my way to school for the first day.

Here we go to school on the first day.

The Bowman boys in front of the Bowman Farms semi.

Four generations!

Us with Grandpa Bowman.

The beautiful Bride, Amy and me!

Bowman family all dressed up!

I sure love my frozen paci! I am chewing on so my lip is popping out!

If feels so good on my teeth!