Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Happy Halloween!
Here are some long awaited new picures...we have had a busy start to the fall. We went to the Pumpkin Patch with his class, carved pumpkins, trick or treated, and even caught a few smiles on camera! Enjoy....we sure have been!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
BIG updates!
Hello all, we have been working of quite a few changes over the last month with meds for Carson and our family.
First off, Carson's medicines.... we had a blood test a few months ago to check the levels of the medicines in his body. His Tegretol levels were very low, so low they were not doing any good, the Doctors and us decided to wean him off of it completely. Last sunday was our last day on Tegretol. It has been a very good choice for us, we saw no difference in his seizure activity due to the lack of Tegretol and we have seen a drop in his weight! Carson has not lost weight in a long time and very much needed to, as it turns out Tegretol is an antidiuretic (makes you retain water). We look forward to Carson loosing more weight and in turn helping him feel better.
Carson's Phenobartbitol levels were very very high, and concerning to us and his Doctors. We all decided to try and decrease the Phenobarbitol he is on. With in the last two weeks we have tried to decrease it but saw too many seizures. Our next plan is to add another drug called Vigabatrin while we decrease the Phenobarbitol. We hope to have the Vigabatrin started by the end of the week, we will see where that takes us.
With all of Carson's medicine changes we have been seeing him more alert and we have seen many smiles, almost everyday this week! What a blessing to get to see his smile more often.
Carson is doing good in school. One side effect of all the Phenobarbitol he is on is that it knocks him out and has a hard time waking up in school. We hope the new med will help with this as well. He just finished his first full week at school, due to sickness or holidays or Aunt being in town he had not completed a full week before today! Yeah Carson.
OK, and the change in our family..... We are expecting a healthy baby GIRL in March! Carson's going to be a big brother... we can't wait to meet her and let Carson get his hands on her! We did a first trimester testing called a CVS to check the baby's DNA. Eve though I am not a carrier of Menkes we wanted to make sure. The Doctor took some of the placenta and grew the cells for 2 weeks. The results were in yesterday... a baby girl with 46 chromosomes, the number of a healthy baby! We are very excited.
God Bless and thanks for all your continued support! We couldn't do it with out you!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Great Days!
Here are some long awaited school pictures. Today is his 4th day at school but 1st day to ride the bus. We also went to Iowa this last weekend for a visit and a wedding...great pics with the bride and some new four generation pictures.

Monday, August 23, 2010
Update 8-23
Hello All!!!

We are all good news. Carson is doing great, he had an awesome birthday and enjoyed the cup cakes! (I will have pics up soon) Carson was not able to start school last week because of incomplete paperwork. However, he will start tomorrow...Jeff will take him to school and pick him up this week. (The bus is not ready yet) Our boy is so big! We of course will take pictures of this also! Carson is still enjoying the hot tub it has helped relax him and loosen tense muscles. (Pictures below) We are looking forward to the cooler weather coming. Hope all of you are well also. We will have another update in a soon with more pictures. Aunt Kari is coming in to visit this weekend and Aunt Becky is coming in for Labor Day weekend....oh how they have missed their big boy! They will be so surprised to see how big he actually is!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Happy # 3 bud!
We celebrated Carson's 3 year birthday today! What a big boy. We did not do anything special, just hung out and snuggled a lot. We did share some frozen yogurt with him tonight, he really liked the blueberry and mango flavors. We will update soon with picts from the party as well as others.
Our big news is that Carson got a hot tub from Make-A-Wish Foundation and Recreation Wholesale for water therapy. We have had it up for a little over a week, but has really been too hot to get Carson in it. He did take a dip with Dad one night. The outside heat is just keeping the water too hot!
We hope to see you all on Saturday for the big party!
Love The Bowman's
Our big news is that Carson got a hot tub from Make-A-Wish Foundation and Recreation Wholesale for water therapy. We have had it up for a little over a week, but has really been too hot to get Carson in it. He did take a dip with Dad one night. The outside heat is just keeping the water too hot!
We hope to see you all on Saturday for the big party!
Love The Bowman's
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Carson's Third Birthday!
Carson’s turning the big 3 on August 11! We will celebrate in our usual big way on August 14 at 5:00 pm. Place is in the Bowman’s backyard. Dinner and games will be provided, bring your own drinks.
Please, in lieu of gifts consider (but not necessary) a monetary donation for diapers for Carson. Thank you again and hope to see you soon!
Please RSVP to Sarah at 913-707-7395 or sarahn.bowman@yahoo.com
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Happy almost August!!
Hello All-
Carson is doing well, he got over his cold/allergies. After his extra secretions were gone he had a slight asthma attack and needed some prednisone to get over it. All is great.
Carson has been gaining one pound every two weeks for the last two months. With a little twisting of Carson's Doctors' arms, they prescribed Lasix for one week. This was going to tell us if his weight gain was from water retention or too many calories. With in the one week of being on the diuretic, Carson lost a few ounces as well as cm from his feet and ankles! It was working, so he is now on Lasix twice a day. We will see were we go from here.
We are also getting ready for school, yes that is right, school. Carson will be going to Harmony Early Childhood Center starting in the middle of August. As Carson is getting close to becoming 3 his current therapy services he will age out off, they stop at 3 years old. Carson will be in a classroom with other kids and will get all of his therapies at school. His nurse, David, from here at home, will go with him to take care of him. They will go on the bus to and from school, hours are Mon thru Thurs, 820 to 1120. We feel we owe Carson and the school district the chance to see if this works for all parties. If it does not, the therapists from the school will come to the home to work with him. I am very nervous about letting Carson out of the house and sending him to school, but we have to give him a chance....
We will be updating this blog again this week with Carson's birthday party details!!! FYI Sat, August 14 at 500 pm. More to come.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Happy Fourth of July!
We had a great weekend. The Bowman's were in town and we all went to the T-bones baseball game on Saturday night and had a blast. Carson was very awake with his eyes wide open, he also loved the fireworks are the end. What a great outing, it was well worth it. Although now we are paying for it, Carson is very cruddy and wheezing. On Sunday night we did some sparklers in the back yard until the rain finally pushed us inside.
Carson has been good the last month, holding is own, he has been back on top of the roller coaster. We hope to get over this cold/allergies soon and be back on top.
Enjoy the pictures and videos.

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