Monday, June 29, 2009


Wow have we sure had some hot weather here.  Several days of a heat index of 110 as well as ozone warnings.  With all of this weather Carson has been battling with more congestion in his chest.  This weather is not good for any one, especially with asthma.  We have been giving him extra breathing treatments and ordered a Shaker Vest.  The vest was actually delivered today.  We are hoping that this vest will help him clear his lungs easier and better.  We will keep you posted!

However, we have not let all of this stop us...we are still having plenty of fun!  Enjoy the pics, he is getting big.  Carson's dietitian came today, he weighs 28#5oz, is 33 in tall, and his height/weight proportion is 90%.  Carson is definitely on his way to being bigger than his mom.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

We are staying busy!

What a busy start to our summer!  We have loved every minute of it.  We made a trip up to Iowa to visit with family and friends.  We have played in the sprinkler and have gone swimming.  We participated in my sisters wedding.  And of course we celebrated Fathers day!  Please see all the pictures below....

Friday, June 5, 2009

A day off...and out of the house!!!

On Wed we had the day off, no other kiddos in the house.  So we went for an outing.... Mom (me), Carson, and Jen (nurse) went to the local petting farm, it was amazing!  Carson was so alert and just soaking everything in, you can see this in the pictures.  Look at his eyes and his mouth, he was talking to me in some of the pictures.  I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as we enjoyed our outing.  Deanna Rose petting farm was made with all children in mind, they have signs in braille and many other textures available for feeling.  It was great exposure for Carson.

 Feeling a deer antler.

 Feeling the rabbit skin.
Feeling the bison horn that was hollowed out to be a spoon.
 We went inside the goat pin and they were all over Carson.  The goats were chewing on his pants and trying to eat everything in his kid cart.  It was hilarious!!!
 We had a blast feeding the goats, I was putting the food on Carson's knuckles and the goats were eating it off.  Carson did not pull his hand away, he loved it.