Nap time...covered in his prayer blanket....prayer at work!

Great Gma and Gpa Moranz with Carson

Dr. Graf speaking at the event

Julianna and Carson...just precious!

Carson and a watchful Brynn...just checking in on her buddy!
Aunt Becky updating...WOW what a fabulous event for Carson and his parents and everyone there! We can't thank everyone enough for showing your love and support for the Bowman's. It is truly a blessing to have such wonderful family, friends and those we don't even know care so much! It was a great evening to spread awareness about Menkes and that is exactly what everyone did. A big shout out to Jamie and Drew and to Dr. Graf for sharing their stories and information!
Thanks again everyone...words just can't express how much we appreciate all your love, prayers and support!
And to quote a dear friends thoughts after the event..."God knew exactly what he was doing when he gave Carson to Sarah and Jeff...without a doubt. I am so PROUD of them!"
God bless and keep BELIEVING.....WE BELIEVE!
Love Aunt Becky