If you can remember when Carson was first diagnosed, we had an amazing team who help diagnose Carson. Now also remember, Children's Mercy is a teaching hospital, so the team consisted of students, interns,
attendings and Dr's. Due to our emotional situation, diagnosis and new life ahead of us, we made some special bonds with the team. One in particular, Jessica a student (at that time), wrote a very nice thank you to us for letting her be part of our story. So we were sent home, said good bye to the team and only had a few thoughts of those who helped us and how special they were. (We also had just a few other things on our minds)
On Saturday as we were in transit from Olathe Med to Children's Mercy DT, a room and bed was getting ready for Carson. As the hospital was assigning Carson to a team, a Dr heard that a boy with Menkes was coming in. That Dr immediately asked if it was Carson, it was!! Carson was going to be put on a different team, but this Dr said oh no, that boy is mine, I want him on my team. As I am sure you know where I am going with this....the Dr's name was Jessica. That is amazing in itself but the story goes on.
(We knew nothing of the above story)
As Carson, Jeff, Nana and I were walking into Carson's room, a Dr walked in behind us, nothing unusual, but upon second glance we recognized her, Jessica. With eyes turning red and starting to tear, we shared a hug and a rush of emotions from the past. As we caught up a little she informed us that she had just asked about Carson the day is amazing how those Drs know.
Jessica also told us that when we had first met her as a student she was in line to become a surgeon (no where near pediatrics). It was after she met and helped to diagnose Carson that her life changed completely, she knew then her calling was pediatrics. She finished schooling for peds and was asked to write an entrance paper when applying for a job at Children's Mercy DT. Jessica's paper what about Carson and how he changed her life.
As a mom with a special needs son, and a rare disease, I hope that we do change peoples lives. I know that we do, but to hear about it and to see it, is a whole new level of emotions. It was great to see Jessica, how successful she is and to work with her again, we knew from the beginning she was an amazing woman. We will not lose contact this time....