Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Last week, I spent a whole week with Carson. I helped Sarah with her Day Care, and also played with Carson a lot. I had so much fun. I gave him a bath and took cat naps with him. I totally enjoyed spending so much time with Sarah, Jeff, and Carson. I hope I can do that again. It felt like I was a baby sitter. Helping with Carson, Mathew, and Henry. I had to change dippers and wipe noses. But it was all worth the time I spent with them. They are truly great kids. And Sarah and Jeff are truly great parents. Thank you for supporting Carson.

I will always BELIEVE,
Cousin Julianna

Monday, July 28, 2008

In search of specific toys.

Carson's vision teacher brought over some toys last week and Carson responded to them, playing with them. We are now on a search to find some for our house. Of course the toys she brought are old toys and no longer available in stores. Please look through your closets and garage sales, and let us know if you have any of these. Here are the pictures and names above them. Thanks so much. We are BELIEVING everyday and looking forward to Carson's first birthday. I can not believe that it has almost been one year.

Tomy-musical lighted piano (bobble head piano) 1999
Fisherprice - roll and light [Sparkling Sympany Series] 2000
Fisherprice - Tap and Twirl Top [Brillent Basics Series] 2004
FOUND!!! Lamaze - Chime Garden
FOUND Playschool - My First Computer 1995

Friday, July 25, 2008

Yucky Summer Cold

Carson has picked up a summer cold so things have been pretty low key. His sleeping pattern has been a bit off, so say a few extra prayers for his comfort and rest. Also for Sarah and Jeff to have extra strength to make it through the days and nights.

Cousin Julianna is spending time at the Bowman's this week helping with all the kiddos and enjoying her time with Carson and family. I know Sarah has appreciated her help tremendously this week! Julianna is such a great helper...has always been like that.

I have been telling Carson all about his birthday party and he is so excited! He can't wait to see everyone there and enjoy the celebration! Thanks for those who have already RSVP'd! Keep 'em coming!

Hard to believe it has almost been a year since he was born. Although this year has been filled with a lot of ups and downs and trials...we are all so blessed to have this special special boy in our lives! This year has also been filled with so many wonderful times and precious moments with Carson. I'm so thankful God placed him in our family and gave him the best parents! Everything happens for a reason and WE BELIEVE!!!

Lovin' and Believin',
Aunt Becky

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

First Birthday Bash Invitation


YOU ARE INVITED...to help us celebrate Carson's FIRST birthday.

August 9, 2008 (Birthday is August 11)
Heritage Park, Olathe Kansas (159th and Pflumn)
Shelter 9
3:00 - 6:00 pm

Dinner will be provided. Please bring beverages, no alcohol permitted at park.

In lieu of gifts, donations are welcome but not necessary.

Come join us for fun, including:

PLEASE RSVP by July 31
-To Becky 913-579-3222
or rebeccalatshaw@yahoo.com

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Back to work...

Loves to snuggle with Aunt Jen...and was quite the influence on Uncle Mark as they both had a good nap in the recliner.

Lots of love from Cousin Thomas

It's back into the swing of things this week...going back to work and reality is never fun after a fabulous vacation! Carson is looking forward to having more family in town this weekend...lots of love and fun with all the Bowman's! Safe travels to you all.

Keep up the prayers...God hears! WE BELIEVE!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Fourth of July at the Lake

Hello All- What a great time we had at Lake Norfork in Arkansas! It was great to see our extended family, watching fire works and swimming in the lake. We all had a great weekend! Please enjoy the pictures below (there will be more to follow from Becky and Jen).

We have started Carson on Miralax. He has been having difficulty having bowel movements. It is not an issue of them being soft enough, he just does not have strong enough internal muscles to push it out. Over the weekend the Miralax began working...he was able to have bowel movements on his own and not so many tummy aches! We have also learned that his suck is not correct so he has been getting extra air in his tummy. We have switched to the Dr. Brown's bottles and Carson's occupational therapist will also be helping him with it. Carson is getting smarter by the day...he knows the difference of his regular bottle and his medicine bottle. He has begun to refuse his medicine bottle. So we got smarter and switched him to pill form medicine that we put in his food. This is much easier than fighting with him to take the liquid. Carson had less seizures over the weekend...we think it is due to a combination of all of this! We have recently heard of a diet that has been proven to reduce seizures in epilepsy patients, the Ketogenic diet. We are in the research stages of this diet and may start this or a form of the Atkins that will do the same thing.

Thank you all for your support, prayers and believing. Thank you also for your thoughts and checking up on us! We love all of you!

Here is Carson and Mom waiting for the fireworks to start. But Carson could not wait that long...he had too long of a day. We enjoyed the fireworks!

Carson with his cousin Thomas.

Carson with his great Grandma and Grandpa Moranz.

Here Carson and his great Aunt Sue are telling secrets...

There is no better place to nap than in great Grandpas arms listening to the waves hit the shore and feeling the breeze!