Friday, February 29, 2008
We have now added carrots to Carson's palette. Of course he loves them! He was so hungry tonight, I could not get the food in fast enough. (Grandma and Grandpa got to watch!) We are going to have a fun weekend...our friends the Anthofers came into town all the way from Wisconsin! Carson has had fun snuggling with Christy and Steve, and playing with John already. Glen arrived late last night also from Desmoines to hang out with us all and play with Carson. We will have some great pics! Have a great weekend.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Wow does time fly when you are having fun! We have been have a great time enjoying every moment with Carson. His smiles and laughs light up our lives. We have started feeding him squash, he just loves it and eats it very well. He is such a big boy. (we will get pics and new videos up this weekend.) I think the best time of day for Carson is bright and early in the morning. He wakes up the happiest boy and is so active and vocal. It has been our routine lately to play at 6:30 in the morning, what a wonderful way to wake up in the morning! Carson keeps progressing in his daily activities! We will have his first occupational therapy session next Wednesday.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Fun with Friends
Friday we had many visitors. Carson loved playing with his cousin Julianna! He also got to snuggle with his Aunts, Jen and Becky. Carson is such a snugly boy, I hope he stays like that as he grows up (positive thinking).
Today we started oatmeal and will add veggies to it on Tuesday. We will be sure to get pictures and possibly videos! Speaking of videos, check out the new ones on the video link, there is a great one of Carson laughing with his friend Matthew (a boy I watch during the day).
We love you all and will keep you updated.
Today we started oatmeal and will add veggies to it on Tuesday. We will be sure to get pictures and possibly videos! Speaking of videos, check out the new ones on the video link, there is a great one of Carson laughing with his friend Matthew (a boy I watch during the day).
We love you all and will keep you updated.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Day of Prayer
We had a great day today! Carson had a bath, he loves the nice warm water. We also had some visitors that prayed for Carson with us. A few of their main points were to BELIEVE and to always talk life (not death) with Carson. They said to always talk about what we will do in the future and to visualize playing ball with him. With every passing day we will continue to believe and we ask all of you to do the same.
Is any thing too hard for the Lord? Genesis 18:14
Is any thing too hard for the Lord? Genesis 18:14
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Carson slept a lot today, but was as happy as can be when awake! His Aunt Becky came over to watch him tonight; they snuggled all evening. While changing his diaper before bed, Carson had to prove is mom wrong and decided to give both his Aunt and mom a shower! What a little stinker. I guess we know who rules the roost in this house.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Carson looking like a stud with his cousin, Brynn's, sunglasses on. (2-1-08)
Today we had a great day! (2-12-08) Carson had fun playing with his mama. He is sleeping and eating well. We are still trying to figure out the correct dosing for his seizure meds, we might need to increase it because he is growing. Carson is almost 17 pounds already! Carson is such a happy boy, (except when we can not make his bottle fast enough) He loves to be held and cuddled! We hope to start rice cereal soon, we will add the pictures as soon as we get them.
Monday, February 11, 2008
6 Months Old TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Carson finally snapped out of his seizures. Friday and Sat morning wasn't fun for the little guy. Sunday morning he was happy as always. We spoke with Dr. Grafs office and will be watching him closely if we see any changes.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Carson gets his 6 months check up today. Canceled the shots for today. He was having and still having seizures today. Looks like the meds are starting to work. The seizures are much less and he is asleep now. His Grandma Bowman in Carroll, Iowa did get to watch him today also over the internet using a video phonesoftware from So thats kinda cool and she can call anytime for free.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Carson Feb-07-2008
Carson is not having a good day today. He is on two seizure meds. He also has another for those "bad seizure days". Today we had to give him some of that 3rd seizure med. Carson has not had a seizure for a week but today he started having them again. He does come out of them fine and starts to smile right away when you talk to him.
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